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Tyo Feri Farkala Class 11 Exercise : Summary and Notes Nepali Unit 6

"Tyo feri farkala" is one of the best creation of Bhawani Bhikshu which is class 11 nepali chapter 6. This is a psychological story in which the way youngsters think when they secretly fall in love with someone is meticulously explained with psychological details. Various unexpressed desires, wills and aspirations have been presented in this story with the help of Sani. 

Tyo feri farakala exercise question answers and summary are included in this article. For detailed summary, you can read : Tyo Feri Farkala Summary

Tyo Feri Farkala Exercise, Questions Answers and Grammar :

Tyo Feri Farkala Class 11 Exercise

Tyo Feri Farkala Class 11 Exercise

Tyo Feri Farkala Class 11 Exercise

Tyo Feri Farkala Class 11 Exercise

Tyo feri Farkala Summary:

A young Madhesi traveler in the evening decided to stay at the house of Sani, who was beautiful in youth like an autumn flower, talks to her mother, if he can stay there. When she brings her mother, he finds out that she was an old lady. When the passengers reached Chitlang, they could find a good place to stay, but when asked if it was a distillery shop, Sani said that the living room was clean. Sani is attracted to the young traveler at first sight.

A ray of hope, faith, and contentment is seen in Sani's mind when she throws a heavy question on the face of the traveler whether he will stay in her house or not. When the passenger decides to stay, Sani looks happy and healthy. 

She generously arranges food for the passenger. Sani's eyes meet during the conversation with the passenger. Even though she was a little embarrassed, she came back and asked if he would take more curry in his food, firewood, salt, spices and kerosene in a tone of courage.

Sani, who is attracted to the young traveler does not fall asleep even when she is lying on her bed. After hearing the noise in the passenger's room, she thinks about the passenger. Various things play her mind. 

Sani starts thinking "He hasn't eaten yet. Maybe he doesn't know how to cook rice,! Yes, when do men know to cook rice? anyways. But no, he is a man living in Madhes who cooks and feeds the rice. He does not look Like a belonging from a wealthy family? Has he eaten food? Shall I go to see him again? What is he doing right now?". Sani's attraction towards that passenger is increasing more and more. 

In the process of thinking, she was shocked to realize that he could be married as well. She takes a deep breath, but the sweet imagination starts luring her again, begins to cover her again.  She tries to sleep but can't. She lights up Tuki and slowly gets down from the bed. In the passenger's room, The lantern was dimly lit. She looks away once. The passenger was sleeping soundly. 

A mixture of greed, excitement, courage, fear, and pain suddenly flowed into Sani's mind.  Sani stares at him in an upstairs bedroom with agitation and various things flow in her mind. The passenger gets up the next morning. The latent fascinations, attachments, and aspirations of the subconscious mind that arose in Sani's heart remained unfulfilled.

He reached the top of the hill and never returned. The parting of the traveler makes her heart heavy. The same question inwardly Boils, "Will he come back again?" 

Sani gets married after some time and she goes home after getting married, but instead of erasing the indelible imprint of the traveler in her heart, she used to remember him thrice a day. 

Not a day goes by without remembering him a few times. In her mind, the question of whether the passenger had returned while she was at her husband's house provoked a terrible conflict. Instead of trying to recover, they wallow in their sadness and thus, experience more failure. She wants her life to end. 

If the passenger does not find Sani again, she will not be able to bear it anymore. Sani's longing for travelers, eternal waiting, and her daily frustration was like a daily routine. Even so, Sani did not allow any interruption in her housework and her duties because of the passenger.

Sani still remembers waiting for fifteen days for the passenger to return.  She was in depression for six days, emptiness, and the hope that he will return started awaking from the eighth day, and the hope was about to fulfilled, that he will return on the fifteenth day, the atmosphere and the surroundings are full of joy, but he never returned. Sani had passed such "15 Days" Many times. 

After the death of her mother, Sani returned to her house and started continuing the same job that they had done before. Still, she was on the hope that the traveler will return. 

One evening, while Sani was on her small shop and standing at the door, the same passenger arrives. Many days of depressing pain, hopeless futile waiting, false reception, she had only tears but today. The same traveler who has reached puberty asks if he can stay there. The memory of the past shocked Sani. It is disgusting to see the face of a passenger. 

When the passenger asked the question again, Sani's face once more Illuminated but immediately black as lifeless. She answers with difficulty. He says that when he went to Nepal, he had lived in the same house and even today he thought of living here. So much for the difference between your long wait and the cry of despair, She was not ready to welcome him easily. 

The unexpected arrival of the passenger crushed and crushed the little woman's heart. However, since Sani had one-sided love, how could the traveler guess? The passenger laughed at Sani, who replied that she has been much older than he saw her first. His saying makes Sani's eyes open. 

Sani realizes that she is old. She waited for him for a long, she went old, but a single word of "You have been older now" broke Sani's heart completely. The word itself disturbs Sani's, inner heart. However, Sani regains consciousness. 

A long time passed to see him but with the end of her hope, she realizes that the evening of life has come. It is still betraying her intellect. She sits at the door feeling a little weak and her body melted. As soon as it is morning, the passenger walks like in the past. From that day on, the purpose of Sani's life gets lost. The lifelong dear question "Will he return again?" also disappears in the darkness of terrible poison. 

All the dreamy hope of one-sided love of Sani ends. Sani is hanging in hope Overflow, excitement, and youth are shattered by the traveler's phrase, "But you're too old." Due to the repressed sexual frustration of Sani's repressed sexual desire, lost in the dreamy world of unilateral unrequited love, not realizing her true nature. And, here the story ends.