Class 11 Physics Model Question 2081

Class 11 Physics Model Question PDF

Class 11 Physics Specification Grid

Class 11 Physics Model Question 2077

According to the specification grid of Class 11 Physics, each unit or content area should have a specific value or importance assigned to it. For short answer questions (SAQ) and long answer questions (LAQ), one point should be given for each correct answer. The questions should cover different levels of thinking, with about 15% testing knowledge, 25% testing understanding, 30% testing application, and 30% testing higher-level abilities. SAQ and LAQ can have multiple parts or sub-questions. They can also test different thinking skills. If that's the case, the scores will be added to the appropriate thinking skill. Overall, the distribution of thinking skills should match the required distribution. SAQ will have two questions with "OR" choices, and LAQ will have one question with "OR" choices.

Class 11 Physics Model Question 2081 PDF

Class 11 Physics Model Question 2077

Class 11 Physics Model Question 2077

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