Class 12 Social Studies Book 2081

Class 12 Social Studies book pdf download

Do you wish to get a copy of the social studies textbook for grade 12 in pdf format? Then this is the article for you. Today, you will get a direct Google Drive link to download a social studies book in pdf format in Nepali Language. The Curriculum Development Center has created a new CDC Textbook for grade 12.

To download Class 12 Social Book in PDF Format, take the following steps:

Class 12 Social Studies book pdf download

  1. Open any browser, such as Google Chrome.
  2. Go to Google and type up "The SR Zone."
  3. Visit The SR Zone's official website!
  4. Click on search, then put "Class 12Social Book" into the search box and hit enter.
  5. You'll get the article through the link given at the end.
  6. When you click on that link, you'll be sent to Google Drive.
  7. Click the three dots in the upper right corner, then download.
  8. Go to your mobile phone's file manager and look for "Social Book PDF".

To get a PDF of the class 12 social book from Google Drive, 'Generate Link Button' and wait 19 seconds, then link will be generated to download the book from google drive!

Download File

About Social Book:

Beginning in 2081 BS, CDC, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur has developed a mandatory textbook for class 12th students. In addition, a Social Studies model question based on this book has been published. The CDC has required that Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills book be taught in Nepali.

The Nepali version of this social book for class 12 (Samajik Adhyan Tatha Jeevan Upyogi) will be more practical than theoretical, and will hopefully aid in the development of some important life skills. Please use the download button above to get the book in PDF format.

Today's education seems to be more theoretical than practical, with an emphasis on memorization and recitation of long phrases rather than learning. After much consideration, the relevant authorities agreed to make social studies compulsory in 11 and 12th grades. For various reasons, it was made optional.

Moral integrity, social cohesion, environmental awareness, and the ability to commit to long-term peace are also expected of students. Students may learn about these topics in class 12 social studies and the life skills book.

Why was this class 12 social book brought into the curriculum?

The CDC, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur has developed a mandatory textbook for class 12 students beginning in 2079 BS. The material is available online on CDC's own website and OLE Nepal E-Pustakalaya. The CDC has ordered that the Nepali language version of the Social Studies textbook be used.

The Nepali version of this social book for class 12 (Samajik Adhyan Tatha Jeevan Upyogi Siksha) will be more practical than theoretical, and it is hoped that it will aid in the development of some very important life skills in the process. If you would like to download the book in PDF format, please use the download option provided above.

It seems that today's education is more theoretical than practical, with a greater emphasis on remembering or repeating long sentences rather than on actual learning. Social studies will henceforth be required in the 12th grade, according to the decision of the relevant authorities after much deliberation and consideration. For a variety of reasons, it has been made optional.

Education collects information from students and links it to real-world situations. In order to foster the full development of the human personality as well as the respect for human rights and liberties, education must be comprehensive. 

As part of the education plan, students are expected to develop moral integrity as well as social cohesion, environmental awareness, and the ability to commit to long-term peace. Students will get this kind of teaching from this book.

Textbooks are, without a doubt, an important teaching and learning tool for all students. This textbook is intended to assist students in developing the skills they want. The textbook has been created to be both practical and visually attractive. A vital part in the creation of this textbook has been played by teachers, students, parents, academics, and all other learners.

 If you want to download other compulsory books of grade 12, then the links are given below:

Download English Class 12 PDF
Download Nepali Class 12 PDF