Every Morning I wake by Dylan Thomas Summary Class 12 English

Every Morning I wake Summary Class 12 English Book

Summary of Every Morning I wake Poem by Dylan Thomas from Class 12 English is here. 

Also Read: Every Morning I wake Exercise 

Summary of Poem Every Morning I Wake

“Every Morning I Wake” is an extract from Under the Milk Wood. In this poem, Thomas prays to the magnificent God to have mercy on ordinary inhabitants living under the Milk Wood. While invoking God in this poem, the speaker begs for his or her benevolence for the people of Milk Wood, a little hamlet located under Milk Wood. Many people call this poem a sunset poem or a prayer poem. This poem serves as a strong reminder that nothing compares to God. God is the only creator of the cosmos. In one verse, it expresses the essence of all prayers. We humans are nothing but just a ball of cartilage and collagen.

Brief Summary

In this poem Every morning, a devoted follower of God who is fully aware of God's grandeur rises from his or her bed and prays to God for compassion for all creatures. God may not be physically present on our planet, yet God has the ability to direct their actions from afar. God created everything on Earth and will ultimately destroy everything on Earth. There are many individuals in the world who are born only for the purpose of dying and leaving nothing behind. All of us will die as a result of our mortal condition, but God's blessings will make our stay here meaningful. This poem is a plea to the almighty God written by a little creature known as a human, and it is addressed to him. As a consequence, the speaker asks God for mercy on their behalf. The speaker is a believer in the need of praying for the well-being of all creatures.

Stanza by Stanza Explanation

In the poem "Every Morning I wake", the poet says these lines in the first stanza.

Every morning when I wake,
Dear Lord, a little prayer I make,
O please do keep Thy loving eye
On all poor creatures born to die

From these lines, speaker is asking god to love him/them forever. He not only prays to god for the protection of own but also for all innocent creatures in the world.

And every evening at sun-down
I ask a blessing on the town,
For whether we last the night or no
I’m sure is always touch-and-go.

In these lines, speaker expresses the uncertainty of life and death. He is unsure if the night is the last night of city inhabitants or not, but he always prays the almighty will make everything good and protect them from any possible harms. . The speaker prays to God before going to bed, but he doesn't know whether he'll see them again in the morning, so he asks for God to bless them.  Every night's benefits from God enable us to see them the next day.

We are not wholly bad or good
Who live our lives under Milk Wood,
And Thou, I know, wilt be the first
To see our best side, not our worst.

In the process of living our daily lives, we may be nice or terrible, but only God is aware of our best selves In this way, the speaker kneels before God, pleading for him to preserve them alive till morning. Specially, speaker represents Milk wood town and makes sure that they are not totally bad or totally good. People might judge them on their own way it all depends on someone's perspective on how s/he judges others. But the speaker seems optimistic that the god knows the best side of the inhabitants of milk down. 

O let us see another day!
Bless us all this night, I pray,
And to the sun we all will bow
And say, good-bye – but just for now!

Last stanza, represents the ending lines of their prayers. Speaker pray that the night will be down soon and the delighting sun will re-appear. Night is used as the imagery in this poem. It points the pains, stress and undelightful days of the inhabitants of the town or the speaker himself. And he hopes for Almighty's help in their bad days. Last Good Bye for now, represents the ending of prayer. This time, the speaker says his or her goodbyes, but he or she knows they won't be permanent.

About Author : Dylan Thomas

Born in Swansea, Wales, Dylan Thomas (1914- 1953) is famous for his acutely lyrical and emotional poetry. Thomas can be seen as an extension into the 20th century of the general movement called Romanticism, that flourished in the nineteenth century Englnad, particularly in its emphasis on imagination, emotion, intuition, spontaneity, and organic form. 

Considered to be one of the greatest Welsh poets of all time, Thomas is largely known for his imaginative use of language and vivid imagery in his poems. He started working for BBC in 1945. Under Milk Wood (1953), a radio play, was written over a long period of time during the last months of his life. It is set in a small Welsh town called Llareggub and covers one day in the lives of its provincial characters.