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On Libraries Exercise class 12 English: Questions Answers

On Libraries Exercise by Oliver Sacks class 12 English

On Libraries by Oliver Sacks Exercise Question Answers Notes of class 12 English is here. 

Class 12 English Notes

Class 12 English Notes

Class 12 English Notes

Class 12 English Notes

Class 12 English Notes

Class 12 English Notes

Class 12 English Notes

Class 12 English Notes

Class 12 English Notes

Understanding the text 
Answer the following questions. 
a. Where could the author be found when he was late for lunch or dinner?

= The author was the voracious reader and fond of reading books. His only time pass was to study books. He used to go to library in his spare time. That's why he could be found in the library if he was ever late for the dinner.

b. What are his first memories?

= When author was a child, he was introduced to books and library since his parents were fond of books, specially his mother. So, we can say that books and libraries are the first memories of the author.

c. Why did he dislike school?

= Theoretical and obligatory teachings methods of the school were not liked by the author. Studying becomes easier and matter of interest when student studies with his/her own genuine interest, not by any obligation or instruction. Since, the school was not as he thought, he disliked it.

d. What did he feel about at the library?

= Library was silent, providing him a peaceful environment to study and ponder in his studies. It gave him the freedom to browse through tens of thousands of books. He was free to wander around the library and read whatever he wanted. He also used to be joined by other readers who shared his passion for learning.

e. Why was he so biased about sciences especially astronomy and chemistry?

= From the childhood, author was keen of reading books in science field because it was the curious and ponderous subject for him. Because science was his field of study, he had a strong predisposition for fields like astronomy and chemistry. Focusing our research on a particular topic is necessary to get a broad understanding of that topic, which is why the author studied astronomy and chemistry to gain more specialised knowledge. One cannot possibly read all of the books in a library's collection since they cover a wide range of topics and abilities. So, he narrowed down his field of study.

f. Why did he become so fascinated by Hook?

= He became so fascinated by Hook because of his satire and operas. The early nineteenth-century theatre and music worlds adored him for his humour and musical improvisational ability.

g. Describe library at the Queen’s College.

The Queen's College Library is a revered baroque building in Oxford. In addition, the 17th-century Upper Library is available to students as a reading space. The renovation was required to maintain the space's historical importance and to offer readers with a pleasant and engaging environment. The restoration, initially intended to be part of the Library's expansion, was completed between June 2013 and January 2014. It is now cleaner, brighter, and more inviting to study.

h. Why did the students ignore the bookshelves in the 1990s?

= The students ignored the bookshelves in the 90s because they had electronic gadgets and devices from where they could access the and electronic forms of their books.

i. Why was he horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago?

= He was horrified when he visited the library a couple of months ago because, He discovered the shelves, which had previously been full, were then empty. It seems that most of the books had been thrown away in the past several years, with surprisingly little opposition. He felt as though a murder, a crime had been committed by the erasure of centuries' worth of information.

Reference to the context 

a. The author says, “I was not a good pupil, but I was a good listener.” Justify it with the textual evidences. 

= Oliver Sacks enjoys reading a wide range of genres at the library since it's free. He was not a fan of learning in a passive manner in which, in school, he must complete all of the teacher's homework after the lectures. Oliver Sacks writes in the article, "I wasn't a good student, but I was an excellent learner." He says so, because he was never interested in doing as per the instructions of school. He says so because, he was not like the students defined by the academic terminology. But, it does not mean he was arrogant. He used to study by choosing books from libraries that interest him. To do well in school, one must have a positive relationship with their instructors. He/she is required to attend courses on a regular basis and follow the directions of the instructors. Oliver Sacks, on the other hand, was not that kind of student. That is why, author says himself as a good listener, than a good student.

b. A proverb says, "Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library." Does this proverb apply in the essay? Explain.

When you go into a library and see other people studying, it gives you the feeling that you should be doing the same thing. They provide a more serene atmosphere than the average house. In addition, the library is a great place to go if you need a specific reference book. Not everyone has a dedicated study room in their house, and there may be other distractions such as regular visits from family members. Also, you won't be bothered much by anybody around. Library does not have TVs and mobile phones, which are the major distractions. That's why library is the pleasanter than anything else.

A library's vast collection of books and periodicals covers a wide range of subjects. Oliver Sacks particularly cherished the library's meditative atmosphere and the company of other bookworms. In fact, he is an avid reader who spends a lot of time in libraries. His favourite room in his house was the oak-paneled library. He opted out of going to school and instead spent his time reading in public libraries. Reading books offers a bookish person as much pleasure as anything else. He aspires to have a desk in a library, with a stack of books in front of him at all times. He grew up in a house filled with bookworms who liked to read. Walter Savage Landor discusses the joy that may be found in a library by anybody who is interested in studying. He began reading from his own personal library at home. That's why "There's nothing more enjoyable than browsing a library,", a lovely quote, is completely relatable to the essay.

c. Are there any other services that you would like to see added to the library?

A library should not be only a store of books. Time is changing. Various technologies are evolving. The way students study and learn has been changed, so we also need to adapt to changing technology in the libraries and learning systems as well. For example, a Braille system could be introduced in the libraries to assist blind students studying their studies. We can also use various ICT materials like informative TV's and DVD's which students can use to better visualise the things. Also, the Internet Wikipedia system should be added to the library so that students can find their desired things via the Internet rather than searching for the books on the bookshelves. Similarly, A simple cafe can optionally be added outside the library so that whenever the learners get hungry, they can have some food. 

Reference beyond the text 

a. Write an essay on Libraries and its uses for students. 

The Library is a gathering place for people of all interests to study books of all genres on their own.  Student may gain information by borrowing books from the library. The library may be an invaluable resource for those who cannot afford to purchase a book, particularly students who cannot afford to buy a book. Private, public, and government libraries all exist. The library serves a variety of functions and disseminates information. The library is the beating heart of the educational system and for the students.

In order to avoid desire and temptation, people should stay in contact with libraries. Libraries play a critical role in unlocking the secrets of the universe by storing vast amounts of information. A book takes us from the darkness of ignorance to the light of understanding. Libraries, more than any other medium, are the most effective method of disseminating knowledge.

Many students go to the library to do research or look for information on current events or social problems. For the objectives of education and knowledge acquisition, libraries are vital. Students may develop good reading and study habits by using libraries, which serves to enrich the classroom experience. Libraries can even help students develop a feeling of accountability. Libraries are just too cool for words! Once history books teach us from the errors of the past, we can avoid them in the future.

Aside from that, it will come as a shock to the younger generation to learn that not everything can be found on the internet. Although the Internet makes libraries more accessible, it does not entirely replace them. It's also been said that giving a kid a book as a present is the best thing a parent can do for them. It's possible that the Internet has many errors that weren't noticed at the time. It provides all potential answers to academic problems. Newspapers and articles from local publications are often available in libraries to keep patrons updated on current happenings. With the help of the library, one's ability to focus is greatly enhanced. In addition, libraries are places where we may meet others who share our interests and so contribute to the development of our social network. When a student begins consulting reference materials, their grades increase.

Modern libraries provide their patrons with much more than just books; they now provide CDs, DVDs, and even E-books. Many contemporary libraries now provide online guest lectures and seminars by eminent philosophers on fascinating subjects. People have lost sight of the importance of libraries in the era of television, computers, and the internet. The majority of libraries have now made their free WIFI services available to job seekers so they may take use of the free internet access. The government's role in modernising libraries may be observed. They provide digital libraries and other services all around the world.

b. Do you have any public library in your locality? If so, do the people in your community use it? Give a couple of examples.

= Yes, we do have a public library in our society. There is no reason not to, libraries have played a critical part in the development of the civilised society we live in now and will continue to do so as we repair and extend our capacity for learning and information acquisition. As a result, learning and libraries are inseparable in my community. 

Because the technology we use now isn't available to everyone in society, libraries are vital. In libraries, reading sessions for students and the community are organised, as are book sales, library groups, and other activities that serve to mould society and make it better and more educated. A library is a location where you may discover information on topics you're interested in learning about or are required to know about. It's also a location where you may relax and have fun (hopefully). There's a good chance you'll make new friends.

For local people who need it, a library is essential because they use computers to accomplish things like pay bills or compose emails while they do their schoolwork or study, via the computers available in libraries. Some people are fortunate enough to be able to accomplish such things at home, but not everyone is. 

While technology may fail from time to time due to power outages or worn-out components, libraries remain open and are much more dependable. Because libraries continue to function as a physical repository for information and knowledge in our society, they are vital institutions to have in place. In order for any information to be uploaded into the technology, it must first be manuscripted and then stored in libraries just in case information is lost during transportation. That is why, libraries are inseparable in my community.

Also Read :Summary of On Libraries by Oliver Sacks

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