Refund Summary and Exercise Class 11 English : Questions Answers
The one-act play "Refund" by Fritz Krinthy is a satirical portrayal of Wasserkopf, a man who, after finishing school, demands a refund from the school due to his lack of success in finding a job. This story is in Class 11 English One Act Play Section Unit 3 and we will discuss about it's exercise question answers solution and summary.
Refund Exercise

Refund by Fritz Kranthy Summary Class 11 English
One act play, Refund, written by Fritz Krinthy is a satirical play which revolves around the story of one man named as “ Wasserkopf’. After 18-year-olds of school graduation, one day Wasserkopf shows up to seek his money back from the school and demands the principal for the refund.
He was unable to get a solid position, nor any job, was multiple times rejected from various job applications, and just passed up many opportunities as well. According to him, his school professors failed to adequately prepare him for life beyond high school.
The teachers were surprised that a student was coming in front of them asking for a refund just because he could not get a good job. When it comes to dealing with him, they promise him that he will be completely refunded only on one condition, that is if he fails the test that they will put him through. He agrees. All of his professors, Maths, Physics, Geography etc quiz him on various topics, and he consistently provides incorrect answers. He does so because his only goal was to prove he learnt nothing. The professors, on the other hand, use various techniques to demonstrate his correctness.
At last, the math teacher finally speaks the truth and says Wasserkopf’s answer to his question is not correct. Now as a deal, teachers have to give him the refund amount. They ask him how much the refund amount is. He accurately calculates the amount and tells them. At this point, math’s teacher also claims that he passed the maths exam since he was able to calculate the amount accurately because was a mathematical genius and they had taught him well. As a result, he passes the exam and is not eligible for a refund.