Unit 12 Nature and Development Exercise: Class 10 English Guide

This unit looks at humanity's relationship with the natural world through two insightful readings on related themes. Lets talk about this unit's summary, question answer, exercise solution, grammar and reading I and II. 

Reading I: Kathmandu-Terai Madhesh Fast Track

This article describes the infrastructure project to connect Nepal's capital Kathmandu with the Terai plains region through an expressway. It addresses both the economic and environmental impacts of large-scale development initiatives.

In summary, the reading prompts thoughtful consideration of balancing progress with sustainability in regional planning.

Reading II: Composed Upon Westminster Bridge [Poem]

This renowned poem by William Wordsworth describes the serene beauty of London at dawn, as seen from Westminster Bridge. It expresses appreciation for nature's simplicity and magnificence amid urban sprawl.

To conclude, the poem is a lyrical reminder of nature's restorative power, even in cities, and advocates conscious experience of the natural world around us.

For complete notes of Class 10 English Book, go to this link - Class 10 English Guide & Notes.

Class 10 English Unit 12 Nature and Development Exercise

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Unit 12 : Nature & Development

Reading I : Kathmandu-Terai/Madhesh Fast Track: A Project of National Pride

C. Answer these questions.

a. What type of project is Kathmandu-Terai/Madhesh Fast Track?

Answer: Kathmandu-Terai/Madhesh Fast Track is a mega highway project of strategic importance in Nepal.

b. How is KTFT going to reduce the consumption of petrol in Nepal?

Answer: The construction of KTFT will reduce the travel distance between Kathmandu and Terai, resulting in daily fuel savings of more than NRs. five billion, thereby reducing petrol consumption in Nepal.

c. Will this project help promote tourism in Nepal? How?

Answer: Yes, this project will promote tourism in Nepal. The enhanced connectivity provided by KTFT will offer a viable option for tourists entering Nepal through the southern border. It will also attract tourists from beyond India who can now travel to Nepal more efficiently via the fast track.

d. How does this project contribute to the development of high-skill human resources in Nepal?

Answer: KTFT involves complicated structures like high bridges and twin tunnels with new technology. The Nepalese involved in the project will have the opportunity to learn and develop new skills and knowledge from handling this advanced technology.

e. How does the project help the people living in the Eastern Terai?

Answer: The project connects Kathmandu with Nijgadh, allowing faster travel between the two areas. This increased accessibility facilitates people in the Eastern Terai in various aspects, including health, education, job opportunities, and access to new markets. It also benefits local traders with cheaper transportation costs, reducing the price of goods for consumers in the region. Additionally, it supports the Nijgadh International Airport, connecting it efficiently to the capital, which will further enhance the region's development.

D. How is KTFT likely to affect the environment? Discuss.

KTFT is likely to have both positive and negative effects on the environment during its construction and operation phases. Let's discuss the potential impacts:

Positive Effects:

Improved transportation efficiency, reducing travel time and fuel consumption.

Potential decrease in traffic congestion and emissions in Kathmandu.

Quick transportation of essential supplies during disasters.

Negative Effects:

Deforestation and habitat loss due to construction.

Air and dust pollution during construction activities.

Noise pollution from construction.

Potential water pollution from improper waste disposal.

Impact on local biodiversity and ecosystems.

Writing I

There may be different development works ongoing in your community. Study one of them and write a report on it. Take text in Reading I as a sample.


This report discusses the construction of a new community library and cultural centre that is currently underway in my neighbourhood.

Project overview:

The project involves building a new two-storey facility with amenities such as a library, reading rooms, computer lab, auditorium, meeting rooms, and an art gallery. The objective is to provide residents with a modern space for learning, cultural events, and community gatherings. Construction began in June 2021 and is scheduled to be completed by June 2022.

Potential benefits:

The new library and cultural centre could provide several benefits to the community:

• Increased access to knowledge resources through a larger collection of books, periodicals, and digital materials.

• Enhanced technology and digital literacy through the computer lab and makerspace.

• A space for community events, lectures, exhibitions and arts programming. This could help foster community cohesion and cultural enrichment.

• An accessible venue for meetings, clubs and other social activities, especially for the elderly and youth.


The total budget for the project is $8 million, funded through a combination of municipal funds, grants and private donations. The major costs include:

• Construction - $5 million

• Furniture, fixtures and equipment - $1.5 million

• Books and digital collection - $500,000

• Art purchases for gallery - $250,000

• Landscaping and site works - $750,000


Once completed, the new library and cultural centre has the potential to become a vibrant community hub that provides increased learning opportunities, social activities and cultural programs for residents of all ages. The project demonstrates the municipality's commitment to investing in community infrastructure and amenities that enhance quality of life.

Unit 12 : Reading II 

Composed upon Westminster Bridge

Poem Summary

Here is a summary of Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 in points:

  • The poem describes Wordsworth's experience crossing Westminster Bridge in London on a beautiful autumn morning.

  • The city (London) is at "silent rest" and shines with "unfading glory" in the morning light, while the river Thames glitters below.

  • Nature reveals "eternal truth" and "something far more deeply interfused" compared to human concerns, causing the poet to feel awe and peace.

  • Humanity and nature co-exist in harmony, with city dwellers represented as "little beholders" that "less gross than thou" (nature).

  • The poet contrasts the "mighty heart" of the city, referencing its business and industry, with the "beauty and the joy" of the natural world.

  • Wordsworth sees the city without noticing individuals, focusing only on the general effect of "so much beauty."

  • The poem concludes with the poet describing how his mind is filled with thoughts "that do often lie too deep for tears." The natural scene moves him profoundly.

  • The simple, stately form of the sonnet complements the word painting of the scene and reflection on nature's "eternal truth."

  • The poem captures a moment of insight and realization for the poet as the beauty of nature fills him with inexpressible thoughts.

Overall, the poem conveys Wordsworth's Romantic sensibilities through vivid descriptions of nature, reflections on humankind's place in the world and emotions "too deep for tears."

C. Answer these questions.

a. When was the poem composed?

Answer: The poem was composed on September 3, 1802.

b. According to the speaker, who is dull of soul?

Answer: The person who is dull of soul is someone who cannot appreciate the beautiful sight of London from Westminster Bridge.

c. How does the poet describe the beauty of morning?

Answer: The poet describes the morning as majestic, touching, and beautiful.

d. What does the word 'garment' refer to? Who is wearing it?

Answer: The word 'garment' refers to the beauty of the morning, and the city of London is personified as wearing it.

e. How does the poet feel when he sees such a beautiful sight? 

Answer: The poet feels overwhelmed with awe and appreciation when he sees the beautiful sight.

f. Why does the poet use words like; valley, rock, and hill?

He uses words like "valley, rock, and hill" to show how the morning light makes everything look beautiful, including the natural landscape and the city's buildings.

g. What impression of London does the speaker create? How does he do that?

Answer: The speaker creates a serene and peaceful impression of London. He does that by describing the city as silent, with all its features shining brightly in the morning light.

h. What is the main theme of the poem?

Answer: The main theme of the poem is the poet's admiration for the natural and man-made beauty of London, especially as seen from Westminster Bridge in the early morning.

Writing II

B. Imagine you are the secretary of the Child Club of your school. Write a notice on behalf of your Child Club about a programme that you are going to organise soon.

Ashok Public School, Banke



This is to inform all students that the Child Club is organizing a Drawing and Painting Competition on the occasion of Children's Day on November 14, 2023.

The competition is open for all students from Classes 1 to 10. The theme of the competition is 'Environment and Nature'. Participants can draw or paint anything related to the theme using any medium of their choice - pencil colouring, watercolors, poster colours etc.

The top three entries in each category will be awarded prizes. All participants will receive a certificate of participation.

Interested students are requested to submit their entries to their class teachers by November 10. Late submissions will not be accepted.

The competition aims to encourage students' creative expression and celebrate their artistic talents on Children's Day. We hope for an enthusiastic response from all of you!

Sandeep Sharma

Secretary, Child Club