Scientific Research is the token for mankind’s survival Exercise Class 11 English & Summary
'Scientific Research is the token for mankind’s Survival' essay says that science is very important for humans to survive. It helps us to understand and solve problems but also could harm us. Scientists and their tools help us to stay safe. If we use science in the right way, it can help us to live long and happy lives. This essay is in Class 11 English Essays section Unit 5. It's exercise question answers solution and summary is provided in this article with a free download link.
Scientific Research is the token for mankind’s survival Exercise

Scientific Research is the token for mankind’s survival Summary
Russian scientist Vladimir Keilis-Borok wrote an essay entitled "Scientific Research is a Token of Humankind's Survival" who views science as a vital defender and caretaker for mankind. In this essay, the author has discussed the value of science and its innovations to human well-being.
According to the article, despite the lower pay than businessmen, attorneys, and doctors, some people choose to be scientists. This means that curiosity is what motivates people to get into science. Researchers don't get a lot of money; they get a lot of freedom, company, and autonomy instead.
A scientist is dedicated to making improvements to the human condition at any costs. The greatest gift mankind has ever received, according to the author, is the work of scientists and scientific discoveries. He uses an example from his own life about the Geneva Summit where they made an agreement to ban nuclear weapon testing.
Almost everyone in the world was under nuclear danger as a result of the cold war. The nuclear arsenals of the Soviet Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom were sufficient to wipe out the whole earth.
Nuclear weapons testing were to be banned if an agreement could be reached between the three nations with nuclear arsenals. However, the accord had flaws. Initially, the nuclear-armed states had agreed to stop conducting new nuclear weapons tests, but a second nuclear explosion had been secretly conducted by one of them. But how would the other powers be able to tell if anything is wrong? A team of technical experts was assembled to deal with the problem.
Seismic wave theory, according to the author, is crucial to solve this problem. Vibrations similar to earthquakes were produced by underground nuclear explosions. His theoretical understanding was immediately put to use to identify the difference between normal tremors and tremors caused by an explosion in the context of human survival
One of the most important decisions taken during the Cold War by scientists from all over the world, regardless of political ideology, ethnicity, origin, and nation, was the imposition of a moratorium on nuclear tests.
While some people think science and common sense can't coexist, the author believes the opposite. Scientists' work has resulted in new businesses and technologies ranging from the military to entertainment. Everything from antibiotics to synthetic fabrics to the green revolution to genetic forensic diagnosis was made possible by scientists.
Although money is considered more important, the author believes that intellectual resources, such as scientific research and creativity, hold the promise and responsibility for breaking the stalemate. He believes that both natural and human-made disasters like earthquakes, megacities, inter conflicts, environmental catastrophes, and economic and social problems have the potential to kill a million people or more while wreaking havoc on the global economy.
Finally, the author asserts that human survival depends on scientific research.Science is the only way to stop such dangers which threaten the very survival of civilization. It's up to scientists and their tools to keep us safe. Science may be a human's greatest friend and protector if used properly. Science, according to the author, gives us all a chance at long-term survival and happiness.