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Unit 1 Current Affairs And Issues All Exercise: Class 10 English Guide

Class 10 English Book Unit 1 explores about how emerging technologies and global issues shape our world. Let's examine the summary, question answer, exercise solution, grammar and reading I and II of this unit. 

Class 10 English Unit 1 Current Affairs And Issues Exercise

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide
Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Class 10 English Notes Guide

Reading I: How Driverless Cars Will Change Our World

The section has some article pieces on self-driving cars and their future implications. Driverless cars (or self-driving cars) are able to drive themselves without the human operator having to do anything via sensors and software. The article suggests a number of how those innovations may transform transportation systems. Road accidents, for instance, might reduce since computers do not get bored, drunk or fatigued like humans. And traffic jams could dissipate away if vehicles learn to communicate electronically to save spotlights. Those cars driving themselves might mean an entirely new set of mobility for the elderly and disabled. The author presents both the potentials and pitfalls of this emerging technology in an interesting way.

Reading II: Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres 

This letter addresses the global issue of climate change and calls on the UN to take urgent action. It lays out the science clearly and persuasively argues that more ambitious targets and policies are needed to meet climate goals.

Unit 1 Current Affairs and Issues 

Reading - I 

How Driverless Cars Will Change Our World Exercise Notes

  • State any three characteristics of the driver-less car. Answer : Three features of driverless cars are i. They can travel on the road alone without a human driver. ii. Active sensors must detect and respond to their surrounding environment. iii. They have apps to control them which make it even easier for people to ask for a ride.
  • Benefits of driverless technology. There are a lot of advantages to driverless technology. First is Improved safety. Human error primarily causes accidents, and autonomous vehicles can minimize that. So second, Sustainability, They could reduce carbon emissions and encourage green transport. Long-distance driving can be less of a hassle with driverless cars. Autonomous tech gets people out of the most dangerous working conditions.
  • According to Camilla Fowler, what is the particular advantage of automated vehicles? Answer: The key benefit of automated vehicles, says Camilla Fowler, is making roads safer and reducing deaths. They are capable of reducing the number of accidents which happen every year, and therefore making our roads safer.
  • David Hynd explains the challenges of driverless cars. What do you think are the biggest problems with driverless vehicles? How will they cope with human drivers who lose their temper and drive aggressively, or simply break the law? = The ability to account for and manage unpredictable human behaviour is at the core of a major challenge in vehicle automation — ensuring driverless cars can handle those who choose not to follow the rules.
  • How are scientists working to make driverless technology safer? Answer: Driverless technology is being made safer by scientists who are testing it and then working out how it performs but in the complex, unpredictable human environments. Experts are testing the scenarios that an autonomous vehicle might face on real roads to make it safer and more effective at places like the Mcity Test Facility in Michigan.
  • Is driverless technology safer than driving, and why? Why? Answer: The biggest reason why accidents occur is because of human error, and with driverless technology there's no need for human interference anymore. They can also perceive the road more effectively, accelerate and react more quickly and adhere to the rules of the road much more precisely. While still not perfect, driverless technology is certainly safer than human driving when it comes to preventing accidents and the loss of life.

Cites any three other applications of artificial intelligence (Al). What is the need or necessity of using Al in these areas? Discuss with the class what that might be. 

AI is being applied in many more fields. Three other things that AI has actually changed dramatically are as follow: 

Healthcare: AI is used in disease diagnosis, medical imaging analysis, drug discovery and creating a personalised treatment plan.

Environment: AI applied in resolving environmental problems such as climate change, deforestation and conservation of biodiversity. By analysing such data, AI algorithms can assess and monitor environmental changes and trends which enables strategies to be developed for more effective environmental conservation, protection and sustainability.

Business: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants have completely transformed the landscape of customer service. This smart system can take care of consumer concerns, deliver assistance on the point and even manage complex interactions – making customers happier than before and companies to run without hitches in between.

Unit 1 - Reading II 

Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Notes

  • UN Secretary-General’s office is in New York, United States.
  • The letter to Antonio Guterres is about including children in the Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change, so that they can be a part of decision-making related to climate action.
  • A Youth Advisory Group was announced to seek advice from young leaders (ages 18–28) about how we can best respond to and tackle climate change.
  • The climate crisis has made its way into headlines with children taking an active role in it by doing school strikes, using social media platforms to raise awareness about the issue and talking directly to world leaders urging them for action on climate change.
  • Comparing Greta Thunberg to Fabrizio explains how a solo protest inspired many, while the second promotes green recovery and calls for decarbonising our economies to combat climate crisis.
  • The children also want to be part of the Youth Advisory Group and have a safe space to affect major climate happenings like COP26.

D. As a student, what roles can you play to control climate change and its effects?

Steps I can take to help mitigate climate change and its impacts as a student:

Conserving Energy — I will turn off lights and electronics when not in use, and I will do my best to convince family and friends too.

Waste reduction: I will recycle paper, plastic and other materials. I will prefer to not use straws and single-use plastics like bags.

For example, I will walk, bike or carpool to school so there is less emissions coming from my vehicles.

Save Water: Switch off tap while brushing, take less time for shower.

I will be joining local tree-planting initiatives to absorb CO2 through trees.

Awareness Raising: I will inform my peers and teachers about climate change, impacts and adaptations.

Advocating for Renewable Energy: I will become familiar with renewable energy sources and urge my family to take advantage of them whenever feasible.

Flexing the Change: I will write letters to my local altec, and join climate strikes to make demands on climate change.

How to be a Role Model: I will practice what I preach and demonstrate that even small habits changed in everyday life can make a difference for the environment.

Keep on Learning and Spreading the Word: I´ll keep educating myself about climate change, and share my newly acquired knowledge with my friends and family, encouraging them to do something about it as well.